Started when Anchorage went into lockdown (our mayor preferred to call it “hunkering down”) these drawings were a response to the covid-19 outbreak. I had a lot of charcoal in the studio, did not want to visit local stores to purchase art materials. I began to draw, beginning February 2020, producing a series responding to a worrying situation outside my control (and seemingly beyond the care of the political administration) as well for the pure pleasure and release drawing as an activity it gave me. All of these works are of a standard size (10½ x 13½ or 13½ x 10½ inches); mixed media - a combination of charcoal, compressed charcoal, conte, chalk, marker and pastel on paper. A large series, some one-hundred and twenty works have been produced. They’re more introspective than earlier paintings and I’m looking forward to pursuing what I’ve gained from them back into larger scale works.